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Surya Namaskar for Women:

>> Feb 7, 2010

Women in Vedic times:-
"Teach a man and you have taught one but teach a woman and you have taught a society". so goes a famous saying and it has been held true since ancient times. Right from the vedic period and even before that, women have been respected and given an equally important position in the society. Women in those times too enjoyed a respectable place amongst rest of the members.

According to the Vedas, the woman is a karma yogi and she does her duties for duty's sake. The advancement of her family and the society surrounding her depends upon the cultures and moral values she possess. The early life of a child depends on the care of a mother. she brings them up as intelligent and pious ones. For her husband she was the queen of his hose. She had a greater and deeper understanding and an ability to convert a house of bricks and wood into a lovingly nurtured home of righteous and moral values. She was thus considered to be the Shakti-'The Divine Female Power'.

Many mantras in Vedas mention about the integrity of women who were a strong support for the entire family. her spiritual learning and cultural knowledge not only kept the whole family close together but also helped in maintaining the equilibrium amongst the younger and elderly members equally well. She had thus attained a reputable status amongst the family members, the society and in spiritual field.

She was not confined to the household activities only. Infact at times when she had to deliver her skills, she managed both the household and the outdoor activities with equal grace and vigour. She helped her husband whenever situations arised and proved to be equally good like men in all fields. She was good in all artistic fields including dance and singing. her warrior skills, profound knowledge of archery and tactics helped her to fight in battlefields.

she could be anyone from a caring and loving mother to the most supreme power that has the potential to destroy anything that would come in her way.

Women thus played an important part in the society since the ancient times and have been even worshiped in the form of Divine mother. Names of the sacred rivers are female & even the Gods are said to be incomplete without the feminine power, like Shiv-parvati.

The great Sanskrit poet- Kalidas, mentions woman as a 'Life pearl'. Women were thus regarded with high respect and their quest for creativity seems to be never ending which is visible as we get to see live examples even till date, with many women facing challenges and finely balancing the high end responsibilities at house and at work.

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