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Benefits of Surya Namaskar::

>> Feb 9, 2010

  1. Surya Namaskar is the best warm up for intensive sadhana practise.
  2. Surya Namaskar massages all the organs in the body and allows good blood circulation to al the parts of the body.
  3. It regulates blood circulation.
  4. Surya Namaskar detoxifies the body by getting rid of the expiratory gases-Carbon dioxide and other toxic gases.
  5. It eliminates all forms of toxins from the entire body.
  6. It eliminates unpleasant smell from the body.
  7. It thoroughly ventilates and oxygenates the lungs.
  8. It oxygenates and purifies the blood by opening up the breathing passages.
  9. It broadens the chest and beautifies the arms.
  10. It stretches each and every muscle group in the body.
  11. This is the best form of exercise to improve the muscle strength, tone and body co-ordination.
  12. Surya Namaskar helps to reduce body fat too.
  13. it assists in good digestion and prevents gastric troubles and constipation.
  14. It strengthens the abdominal muscles perfectly.
  15. The stiff body becomes more flexible, pliable and stress resistance.
  16. Surya Namaskar makes the spine supple.
  17. Mental benefits with Surya Namaskar are many, but the stress, anxiety, depression are reduced drastically.
  18. Surya Namaskar revitalises the mind and the body and helps to get rid of various diseases.
  19. It tones the nervous system and improves memory. It reduces anxiety and calms the disturbed mind.
  20. It normalises the activity of the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland.
  21. It reduces abnormal prominence of the Adam's apple.
  22. It lends grace and eases the body movements.
  23. It revives and maintains the level of youthfulness.
  24. It controls mood changes and prevents depression.
  25. It controls the mood controlling endocrinal hormones, so best for teenagers.
  26. It refreshes the skin and prevents the skin disorders.
  27. It reduces the stiffness of the joints and thus recommended for the middle age group people.
  28. It produces health, strength, efficiency and longevity.
  29. It brings back the youthful charm in the elderly practitioners.
  30. Those who perform Surya Namaskar daily will have a sound and peaceful sleep at night.

  © RUDRA YOGA 2010

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