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Namaskar Asana-Pose-1

>> Feb 6, 2010

Namaskar Asana(salutation posture):-
Both the thumbs touches the chest.
Palms at the level of chest.
Palms in close approximation to each other.
All fingers close to each other and straight.
Look straight ahead.
Head, neck and body in straight line.
Legs should be flat on the ground.

First pose in surya namaskar,

Procedure:- This begins with saluting the Surya devata by folding both the hands in such a way that both the thumbs touch the chest. The palms should be at the level of your heart and closely approximated to each other. All the fingers are close to each other and straight. Look straight ahead. The head, neck and the body should remain in a straight line. The legs should be flat on the ground with a comfortable distance of approximately the width of a hand. some might be comfortable with the feet closely approximated.

Breathing:- close your mouth and inhale as you pull your stomach inside, Later exhale slowly.
JAPA MANTRA_ Om Mitraya Namaha
Arthart (Meaning)
Salutaions to Mitra, the bestower of universal friendship.
Chakra Concentration
Anhata chakra (Heart Chakra)

  • Namaskarasana is good for the diseases of the throat.
  • The voice is enhanced.
  • Both the body and mind are relaxed and retain the equilibrium.
  • This pose induces a state of introversion, relaxation and calmness in total.

  © RUDRA YOGA 2010

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