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While YOU Practice YOGA Remeber::

>> Feb 4, 2010

1.One full round of Surya Namaskar is made of two sets of twelve poses.
for example: You can begin with left leg and continue the second round with the right leg
to complete the full round of Surya Namaskar.

2. The poses tends to raise the body temperature (heat producing poses), even if you are not sweating.
It's thus advised to practice these poses in the early morning.

3. Begin the practice on an empty stomach.

4. The correct breathing enhances and promotes good health and spiritual growth.

5. To avoid injury, get familiar with one pose.
It helps to align and gain comfort before co-ordinating into a sequence.

6. After the completion of Surya namaskar, take a gap of few minutes and then take complete rest by lying down in Shavasana pose.

This allows the heart rate and respiration to come to normal level.

Guidelines to Perform Surya Namaskar::

1.The best time to perform Surya Namaskar is in the Early mornings.
2.Never perform the asanas when the mind is disturbed or unstable.
3.Always do the asanas at a steady pace, slowly and feel the muscles stretch as you move your body.
4.Never rush from one step to the another. Wait for some time after finishing one pose, then go on to the next pose.
5.Remember comfort is always a priority, do not force your body at any time;do it at your own pace and rhythm.
6.Maintain a gap of minimum 3 hours while performing Surya namaskar in case you have had a meal.
This is the time required for complete digestion.
7.Make sure you keep a time period of 3 hours after you perform Surya Namaskar and before you go to bed.
This helps to relax your senses and calms the mind for a peaceful sleep too.
8.The most important thing to note while performing Surya Namaskar is that it needs a to be done under
the gudance of a trained professional or Guru.
9.Even the beginners have to restrict to simple yoga poses prior to Surya Namaskar practice,
as the body needs a certain level of poise, flexibility and strength before performing Surya Namaskar.


1.The body tends to feel rigid in the beginning as you try to bend the body forwards, sidewards and backwards.
2.Later on , as the muscles stretch they become flexible and the body can bend easily.
3.While starting for a few rounds, you won't be able to touch the ground with your palms completely flat.
Do not worry. It's always good to continue the practice.
4.Do not control your breathing, it should be normal and at a regular pace.
5.Always perform Surya namaskar in an open and airy place.
6. Do not forget to use your own carpet while performing surya namaskar for hygienic reasons.
7.perform the asanas as in rhythmic motion.

Important Tips::

1.surya namaskar should be performed daily in the early morning, as it is more beneficial.
2.perform all you routine morning chores before you start with surya Namaskar.
3.Always perform the asanas on empty stomach for maximum results.
4.Make sure you receive the early morning rays of the Sun.
5.its not necessary to have the look at the sun rays directly when you perform Surya Namaskar.
6.Stand upright and balance the weight of the body equally on both the feet.
7.maintain a gap of 6 inch to 12inches between the two feet.
8.keep your hands folded and bend at the elbows when you salute the surya bevata.
9.always begin with the beej mantra and maintain the steady and easy flow breathing pattern with each pose of Surya Namaskar.

  © RUDRA YOGA 2010

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