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Ek Pada Prasarasana:

>> Feb 13, 2010

Ashwa Sanchalasana / Equestrian Posture:
'Ashwa' means 'horse' and 'Sanchalasana' means 'movement'.
Meaning one person with horse power personalities.

Procedure: Keeping the palms still resting on the ground, slowly bring the right leg backwards till it is totally stretched and the fingers of the right foot and the right knee touches the ground completely while the left foot still lies close to the palm touching the ground. The left leg should bend in such as way that the abdomen presses hard into the left leg. Raise your head as high as possible and look upwards. Alternatively you can keep your gaze fixed straight ahead push your waist downwards and stay in this pose as long as you can hold it comfortably.

Breathing: Inhale while placing the right leg back and hold the breath when the left leg presses on the abdomen.

JAPA MANTRA: Om Bhanavay Namaha-  Arthart (meaning) Salutaions to Bhaanu, the shining principle.
Beej Mantra: Aum Hraim.
Charka Concentration: Ajna chakra (Brow chakra)

  • Ashwa Sanchalasana stretches the small intestine.
  • This pose helps to correct constipation.
  • The diseases of the liver are also corrected.
  • The seminal vescles is also stretched hence the thinness of the semen is corrected.
  • The throat is also exercised thereby correcting the diseases related to it.
  • Ashwa Sanchalasana opens up the hips and chest.
  • It also stretches the groin and legs and lengthens the spine.
  • It removes the tiredness of the body.
  • It improves the stability of the mind and calms the senses.


  © RUDRA YOGA 2010

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