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Weight Loss and Yoga

>> Mar 15, 2010

Hi, Know about Weight Loss,

Obesity is one of the major problems people are facing these days due to the sedentary life styles. What is weight gain? It is an increase in body weight; it can be due to an increase in muscle mass, or even due to excess fluids such as water. Obesity or overweight can generally be defined as more of the body fat than optimal healthy.

Why does the person gain weight
A person generally gains weight with the increase in food consumption or else by becoming alzy or physically in active.

Problems related to Obesity
Too much weight gained may have serious  health disorders on the individuals. Diseases like diabetes, heart problems, hypertension and many other diseases like osteoarthritis etc. are faced due to weight gain.

Yoga as the best aid to lose weight
Yogasanas like the forward bend, twisting and the backward bends helps to reduce the fat in the fat rich areas like the abdomen, hips etc. Regular practice helps to strengthen and build the muscles.

The Few names of asanas include
1. Trikonasana
2. Dhanurasana
3. Bhujangasana
4. Pavankuktasana
5. Mayurasana

Trust yoga to be fit
The yogic way of life is one of the best ways to be fit and fine with health. The practice of asanas is just not physical exercises, as generally understood they also benefit in various ways. No doubt the asanas nourish the entire body but also keep our mind fit and healthy.

A good health can be maintained by practicing a few asanas regularly. The beginners are advised to start with simple postures like Padmasana and Sukhasana then gradully move on the tree pose and then to crucial asanas and so on. The list is very small but the practitioner can have huge benefits with the regular practice of these asanas.

Being fit means experiencing happiness! The unfailed practice of any type of yoga whether its asanas pranayama, mudras or meditation one will be gifted with the optimum health and endurance. Yoga gives a feeling of strongness and well being.

  © RUDRA YOGA 2010

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