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Padahastasana (Hand to foot posture)

>> Feb 19, 2010

As you stretch backwards, come back slowly to the straight pose where your whole body is in complete alignment with the head, neck and leg. Bend down slow and steadily, keeping your knees straight. As your body bends forwards, the arms should be brought straight down to the ground. bring both the palms to touch the ground. In the initial stages, do not stretch too much, to touch the ground. You can hold the toes of the feet to begin and later as the body stretches try touching the whole palm to the ground without bending you knees. Later on try to touch the forehead or the tip of your nose to your knees.

  • Relax the head & the neck in the bending pose.
  • Keep the knees straight and the feet relaxed.
  • Try to maintain balance of your weight, evenly on both the feet.
  • Keep the mind focused and stable.
Spiritual Significance: 
One offers the true prayers to the supreme power by touching the ground, which is symbolic of the creator of the earth, matter and the incarnated self.

Breathe out (exhale) slowly as  you bend downwards in padahastasana.
Stay in this pose as you hold the breath.

Om Suryaya Namaha-    Arthart(meaning) --Salutations to Surya, the dispeller of darkness.
Aum Hrum
Chakra Concentration- Swadhistan chakra/Pelvic chakra

  1. All the abdominal organs especially the liver, kidneys, pancreas, adrenals, uterus and the ovaries are massaged.
  2. Disorders of the stomach are corrected with padahastasana and the power of digestion increases.
  3. A proper flow of blood to the spine ensures good blood supply to the brain & the spinal nerves as they get stretched properly.
  4. The whole body is well balanced, becomes more beautiful and well toned.
  5. The hamstring muscles at the back of the thigh and calf muscles are stretched and toned.
  6. The Prana is channelled to the lower regions of the body which is propelled by exhalation.

  © RUDRA YOGA 2010

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